The optimum spacing for planting of sisal is 3m + 1m x 1m, which accommodates 5,000 plants per ha, but this inter row space (3m) is not enough to drive tractor for ploughing within inter row space. Recently 3.5m + 1m x 1m spacing, which accommodates 4,400 plants per ha,is practised as it makes easy to plough the space between rows with tractor for growing different intercrops. From an investigation it has found that several pulses like Green gram (Vigna radiate), Black gram (Vigna mungo), horse gram (Macrotyloma uniflorum) can successfully be grown during kharif season without irrigation and produced 5-8 quintals per ha grain yield and Rapeseed/Mustard can be grown during rabi season with lifesaving irrigation and it has synergistic effect on fibre yield of sisal.
Profitable sisal based intercropping systems
Sisal + Green gram
Sisal + Black gram
Sisal + Horse gram
Sisal + Pigeon pea
Sisal + Mustard