
Jute Production Information System.

Contact Info
  • Central Research Institute for Jute and Allied Fibres (ICAR).
    Barrackpore, Kolkata- 700120, WestBengal (INDIA).
  • Phone: 033-2535-6121/6122.
    Fax: 033-25350415.
Get In Touch

The Extension section has been actively involved in conducting the Workshops/meetings on various aspects of jute and allied fibres’ production technologies. During the last three years period, the following programmes have been organized :
Annual Group Meeting of AINP on Jute and Allied Fibres03
Brainstorming Session on possibility of jute seed production02
Brainstorming Session on jute and allied fibres’ production 02
Meeting of Parliamentary Standing Committee on Agriculture with scientists of CRIJAF was held on 2 nd July, 2010 at CRIJAF under the Chairmanship of Mr. Basudev Acharya, Chairman, Parliarmentary, Standing Committee on Agriculture01
Institute Management Committee Meeting03
Research Advisory Committee meeting03
Sensitization cum workshop programme on Half Yearly Performance Monitoring01
NSP Seed Workshop01
Workshops/meetings organized during last three years.
In addition to the academics meeting, cultural type of activities viz. Hindi Workshop, Hindi Saptah and ICAR Inter Zonal Sports Tournament have also been conducted.