The matured stem (2/3rd of the length brownish) unsuitable for
mechanical fibre extraction (> 1m in length) are observed in each cutting and
are mentioned as waste stalk. These stalks can be successfully used as alternate
planting materials as experienced in TMJ (MM 1.3) trials. The waste stalk is cut
about 2-3 cm below the ground level keeping some hairy roots attached and
planted at 450 angle in the fields at 60 cm x 30 cm spacing and sprouting starts
within 15-20 days after planting with a survival rate more than 90% provided
there is adequate moisture in soil. If planting is to be done in dry condition,
adequate irrigation is to be provided for successful establishment of the crop.
In the dry periods, where there is no provision of irrigation in main fields, the
waste stalks can be planted in nursery at 450 angle in closer density. The nursery
Ramie stem cuttings
The Strongest Bast Fibre of Nature 13
is to be manured with well rotten ramie compost @10-12 t/ha
and should be sprinkled with water to keep the soil properly
moist. The young plantlets obtained from the waste stalk
should be uprooted from the nursery bed at 50-55 days without
disturbing the root system and transferred in the black polythene
bags containing mixture of soil, sand & FYM or other well rotted
compost (2:1:1) and kept in shaded place for transportation.
The plantlets can be kept for 3-4 weeks without loss in viability
(CRIJAF 2008b).